George O'Malley Photo

Pictured above, George O'Malley strikes a pose.

Bailey in the Middle

Miranda Bailey finds herself in the difficult position of treating her old crush, while George O'Malley always finds a way to get in the middle of trouble in "Forever Young," from Season Four of Grey's Anatomy.

You Guys Know Each Other?

George and Miranda treat a patient... who it turns out has a bit of a history with Dr. Bailey. O'Malley finds this out as he treats the man, played by guest star D.B. Woodside.

Poor Bambi

It's always something in the life of George O'Malley. The guy has always got some baggage to deal with emotionally, and / or professionally. This pic is from Season Four, in the episode "Forever Young."

Everything They Can

George and Miranda treat a patient and an old friend of hers. These doctors always do everything they can for patients, and when it's people close to them, they seem to find another gear.

George, Mer Talk

George and Meredith have a conversation in November 15's episode of Grey's Anatomy, "Forever Young."

In Need of Assistance

In this scene from "Kung Fu Fighting," George is going to need to call in some assistance immediately as a patient collapses to the floor.

In George's Arms

Don't you wish you could be there? This patient apparently does not. She doesn't look too well! Can Bambi save the day?

O'Malley Smiles

It doesn't always happen for the troubled George, but Dr. O'Malley is all smiles in this pic. "Kung Fu Fighting" airs November 1, 2007.

Cute Gizzie

There's something between George and Izzie. We'll see if it lasts, but here's a cute photo of O'Malley and Stevens from "Kung Fu Fighting."

George and ... Girlfriend?

Who knows. It's hard to define George and Izzie these days. Are they dating or just sort of together? They're both surgeons, though, that much is for sure.

Action in the ER

George and the other doctors try to deal with an influx of patients and cases. Just another day at Seattle Grace.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.