Have you seen Wally? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 16

We would happy that would be Barry's first question. Then again, Eddie died before Wally arrived so that might take some explanation. Either way, we're happy to see Eddie.

Tense reunion - The Flash Season 3 Episode 16

Barry and Eddie have one major thing in common: a love for Iris above all else. Eddie should want to help Barry rescue her brother. But that's assuming this is the Eddie we remember.

Hello, Eddie! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 16

As much as we love WestAllen, it's hard not to miss Eddie. He was a good guy, who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect everyone. But what's he doing in the speed force?

Still at It - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Yes, these have to be welcome back moments, because can you think of another time Eddie would be looking on at a moment like this between Barry and Iris with such warmth? Surely it's fleeting.

Barry Goes Down! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

What happened to Barry?! He's down on the ground!

What's He Thinking? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

Eddie is looking at Barry with such an odd look. What's he thinking?

The Police Are Present! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

Just to make sure things are done above board, the police are present.

Watching - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

Eddie watches with obvious concern on his face.

What's Our Move? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

The team tries to decide how to trap Harrison Wells.

Confidence - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Eddie looks a little too confident and I'm calling out the shapeshifter.

So Many Questions - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

There are a lot of questions when trying to solve a case.

Windowed Image - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

This is just a brilliant photograph. Nothing else to say.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost