Concern for House

The team is concerned about House in this scene from the series finale. It's eerily titled "Everybody Dies."

Happy Wilson

This doesn't look like the face of a man dying, does it? It's a shot of Wilson from the final House episode.

Foreman and Wilson

Foreman and Wilson sit and wait in this scene from the House finale. These two have been around since the very beginning.

House & Wison Take a Trip

House and Wilson take a road trip on House. "Post Mortem" is the 20th episode of the show's eighth and final season.

With a Fake Gun

Don't worry, the gun is fake. House is seen here with Wilson during a scene from "Perils of Paranoia."

House and Wilson Picture

House and Wilson have a friendship to rekindle. They try to reconnect here on the episode "Transplant."

House Season Finale Scene

Get out of the car now, Wilson. House is about to do something nutty!

House v. Wilson

Come on, Wilson, move on! That's the advice House is giving in this scene.

One, Big, Awkward Family

you're looking at a very awkward dinner scene. It features Cuddy, House, Wilson and Cuddy's mother.

Dance with Him!

House does not have two good legs. But the guy can still cut up the proverbial rug on the dance floor.

Playing Parents

Best of luck, fellas! House and Wilson look after Cuddy's daughter on the episode "Unplanned Pregnancy."

Couples on a Date

It's a car-based double date on the House episode "Unwritten." Cuddy and House go out with Sam and Wilson.

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
