Marc and Christina Giggling

Marc is on a mission to make Christina his new BFF and it looks like he's doing a great job. The two of them are bursting into laughter in this picture.

Marc and Christina

Marc and Christina work to design Sarah Jessica Parker's new dress. Why? Because Marc and Christina are now BFFs naturally!

Christina Design a Dream Dress

Christina gets to design a dress for the ultimate queen of fashion, Sarah Jessica Parker for tomorrow night. The only problem? There's no fabric to be found!

Betty and Chrisitna Meet a Pirate Stripper

Betty and Christina meet a stripper dressed as a pirate when they come in to investigate Hunter. Which Hunter are they looking for? Plenty work there.

Betty and Christina at Strip Club

Betty goes with Christina to the strip club to investigate Sofia's ex, Hutner. Christina flashes a $20 and seems right at home at a strip club.

Christina Removes a Pickle

Christina removes a pickle from the $4,500 purse she saves for Betty. I sure bet Christina is happy she gave a purse to someone who treats it with respect.

Christina and Amanda

Christina and Amanda sitting next to each other. Now that's a picture you don't see every day! But with such short staff, anyone who's in is on the baby Chutney team!

Betty and Christina

Betty and Christina hang out while Betty makes yet another desperate phone call to her sick boss to come in.

Marc Warns Christina

Marc tries his best to warn Christina before she enters Wilhelmina's office... she's not exactly in the best mood. But Christina's always nice!

Wilhelmina is No Size 2

No matter how hard Christina tries to squeeze Wilhelmina into a size 2 it's not gonna happen. Cover your ears!

Christina Fitting Wilhelmina

Christina is trying to fit Wilhelmina into her size 2 dress. Looks like someone put on a little weight.

Betty and Christina Talk

Betty talks to her new friends Christina in the closet while she comes to pick up clothes for Daniel. Unfortunately, Christina tells Betty why she was hired in this scene.

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]