Before They Kissed

Remember the night they almost kissed and we were duped again? Before VinCat, they were Vin and Cat. We're waiting patiently for VinCat once again.

Let's Spend the Night Together

Their love was once so young and fresh. Even with a task force set up to frame him, nothing could drag these lovers apart. Come back to Vin, Cat!

Is this Water Heated?

VinCat have a great time on their date, while it lasts. Getting closer in the water... half clothed. Nice!

Take it Off Vincent!

Cat looks kittenish as she coyly watches Vincent slip out of his robe. What a great date idea!

Are We Really Going Swimming?

Yes, VinCat, you're really going swimming. They can hardly believe it. Us? We're going to milk this date.

Vincent has More Flowers!

Vincent got the hang of the dating thing eventually. When he gets his mojo back and wins her back from Gabe, I'm betting on red roses.

All Dolled Up

As J.T. recently said, "They look just like Brangelina!" A striking couple made more lovely by their formal attire and romantic kiss.

Will Mornings be Like This?

This is how we want VinCat. Mornings with Vin in a beater T and Cat in a flannel, getting ready to eat cereal together.

He Brought Flowers

It's Valentine's Day. He may be alone this year, but someday, we expect them to get it right.

Her Hero

Vincent is always there to save Cat, even when they aren't together. Cat's there for him as well, but usually doesn't carry him out of burning buildings.

What Might Have Been

Vincent gets a glimpse at what might have been when he visits the hospital where he was once an intern.

Looking Serious

This group is looking very serious all dressed in black on Beauty and the Beast. "Redemption" is the 14th episode of the show's second season.

Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Vargas:This is where he lives? A chemical plant?
Cat: He's a researcher, maybe he works from home?
Vargas: Or maybe it's a meth lab.
Cat: Just my type.

Everyone told me it was just a coyote or a bear. This thing I thought I had seen was just a result of my concussion or post traumatic stress. No, the men who killed my mother were beasts. I believed them. Until now.
