Amanda Shows Off A-List

Amanda stands by Marc's side as he competes against Betty for the one spot in YETI for a Mode employee. Amanda is busy showing off his magazine, A List. So much for roommates!

Marc and His Sponsors

Betty may have gotten Daniel to be her sponsor for YETI, but Marc has the famous designers Mark Badgley and James Mischka as his sponsors... and they came with him to his interview.

Amanda, Mark Badgley, James Mischka

Amanda is quick to grab the arms of famous designers Mark Badgley and James Mischka. Let's be honest, though, she'd be quick to grab the arms of any guys.

Christina and Amanda Find Something!

Christina and Amanda find something very interesting out in the safe. Apparently Fey Sommers not only get Amanda the job... but is also her mother!

Amanda and Christina Find a Safe

While getting drunk and exploring the love dungeon they're trapped in, Amanda and Christina discover a safe they attempt to break into.

Marc and Amanda Find the Dungeon

Marc and Amanda were busy looking around in the closet for shoes for Amanda when they stumbled upon Fey's secret love dungeon. Shall we take a look?

Amanda the Wench!

Prior to working at Mode, Amanda tried an acting career. Here's a shot of Amanda dressed as a wench for the Middle Ages welcome video. Very funny.

Amanda and Her Dog Arrive

Amanda arrives with plenty of baggage and her weirdly shaved dog. Could you imagine a more fun roommate for Betty?

Amanda Arrives with Baggage

Amanda arrives at Betty's ready to move in with her bags. It doesn't matter how mean Amanda has been to Betty, you know she'll take anyone in.

Amanda Makes Herself at Home

Amanda kicks up her feet and makes herself at home now that she's Betty's roommate. We hope this last because wow this is going to lead to some funny things!

Amanda Works the Guest List

Amanda is busy working the guest list for the Mode after party she helped Betty set up on their rooftop. I say their rooftop because Betty and Amanda are roommates!

Amanda Has Messages for Betty

Betty comes in and Amanda has plenty of phone messages for Betty courtesy of Christina. Oh and Henry has been looking for her.

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]