Derek got the grant he needed for the clinical trial. Time for a drink or 10 on him!

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Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 9: "Slow Night, So Long"
Derek Shepherd
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Grey's Anatomy Photos, Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 9 Photos, Derek Shepherd Photos
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Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Jackson: Nice face.
Alex: At least I can do surgery. How's that hand?
Jackson: It'd be better if you hadn't run your face into it.

We doctors take pride in the fact that we can basically sleep standing up. Anytime, anywhere. But, it's a false pride because the truth is after twenty hours without sleep you might as well just come to work drunk, doctor or not. So it's no wonder that fatal medical errors increase at night when we doctors are proudly sleeping on our feet. Recently our communal pride has been shattered and our egos have been wounded by new laws that require we sleep all day before we work all night. We are not happy about it. But, as someone who might need medical care, you really should be.


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 9 Music

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Runaway The National iTunes
Song Run To The Sun Vassy
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