Gallo makes a split-second decision during a dangerous fire rescue leaving Casey steaming that his direct orders were not obeyed.

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Chicago Fire
Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 6: "Blow This Up Somehow"
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Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 6 Quotes

Casey: I gave you an order on that call, did I not?
Gallo: You mean about the shutoff. Yes, you told me to take care of it, but I spotted the victim and shutoff wasn’t going to help her. She was already covered in gas.
Casey: The order I’m referring to is when I said no one moves in until I say so.
Gallo: She’d be dead if I didn’t move in right then and there.
Casey: You’re lucky you’re not dead too. Diving in headfirst wasn’t your only option. Forget how to use a radio? Report your situation, call for backup.
Gallo: With all due respect, captain, you know I was quick to act when you hired me. That’s why you hired me, and I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt here. I was operating with information you wouldn’t have.
Casey: Go home.
Gallo: What?
Casey: Pack up and go home.
Gallo: Captain…
Casey: I can’t be your babysitter, Gallo. Come back when you’ve got your head on straight.

Brett: Hey, um, I know I asked for space, and you’ve been really great about that, but it’s been a while, and it’s nice just to talk again, you know?
Casey: Yeah, it is.