Casey evaluates the scene as FIrehouse 51 responds to a multi-vehicle crash on the road.

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Chicago Fire
Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 5: "Buckle Up"
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Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

Kidd: Looks like they’re doing a killer job closing the gender gap, huh.
Justine: What?
Kidd: Oh, we’re the only two women here.
Justine: Right.

Casey: Mouch, while Kidd’s out, I want you driving truck.
Mouch: You got it, captain.
Gallo: That’s awesome man. Congrats.
Mouch: Yeah, I’ve done it once or twice.
Hermann: A lot has changed since the horse and buggy days.
Mouch: Says the guy they used to call Curb-y for taking corners too short.
Hermann: Hey, that was an unearned nickname.
Foster: We believe you Curb-y.