Casey awaits to hear an update from either Will or Natalie about the condition of the man that collapsed at the football game.

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Chicago Fire
Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 4: "Infection, Part 1"
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Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 4 Quotes

When I was in med school, we had a unit on bacterial infections. The only thing that stopped me from wearing those Hazmat suits all day was these things weren’t contagious. If this thing is spread on contact – or even worse airborne – this entire city is going to drop like flies.


Cruz: I just mean, it’s just like we’re always working during the good stuff, and maybe I should just put in for furlough. That’s what I’ll do; I’ll put in for furlough. ‘Cuz you deserve some things.
Chloe: Joe, why are you acting weird?
Cruz: Weird. What weird? Who’s weird? I’m not acting weird.
Chloe: OK. I got to get to work before Schneiderman arrives. He’s watching me like a hawk.
Cruz: I get it. Of course, he wants to watch you. I love to watch you. Who wouldn’t?