Carlos and Gaby speak with a mother about potentially adopting her child, only to learn she never told the father.

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Desperate Housewives
Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 17: "Could I Leave You?"
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Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

(Susan sees Dr. Ron walking out of the house)
Susan: Where is he going?
Karl: Uh, we've got a bit of a plumbing emergency.
Susan: So you sent him over to Mike's?!

Susan: So, you ran out of strangers to beat up on the street and you're going from house to house now?
Mike: I feel really awful about what happened.
Susan: You don't wanna be my boyfriend? Fine. Don't beat up the only guy who wants to volunteer for the job.
Mike: Look, I know I overreacted but come on, the way he was yelling at you?
Susan: I deserved it believe me, after what I did. God, this is such a mess, he won't even return my phone calls.
Mike: What did you do?
Susan: I said something to Dr. Ron before the operation and it just devastated him.
Mike: What?
Susan: I can't tell you.
Mike: Yeah, you can tell me anything you know that. (They are interrupted by a phone call) You wanna talk about this later?
Susan: No. No, not really. What's the point?