Beckett may resists the presence of Castle at times, but there's little doubt: these two make a great team.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0 (4 Votes)
Photo Credit:
Castle Season 2 Episode 2: "The Double Down"
Rick Castle, Kate Beckett
Related Photos:
Castle Photos, Castle Season 2 Episode 2 Photos, Rick Castle Photos, Kate Beckett Photos
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Castle Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Castle: What is it about full moons that bring out all the crazies?
Beckett: I don't know, you tell me.

Dr. Parish: Looks like a patient lost his patience.
Castle: Also his command of grammar. You're should be you-'-re as in you are, that's not even a tough one not like when to use who or whom.
Beckett: Do you really think that's the take away here Castle?
Castle: I'm just saying whoever killed her also murdered the English language.

Castle Season 2 Episode 2 Music

  Song Artist
Who Taught You To Live Like That? Sloan iTunes
We Are Not the Losers (Anymore) Actionslacks iTunes