The Flash has caught up to the Snarts...err, Colonel and Captain Cold...but Captain Cold has his gun trained on him. Have you seen the trailer? Yep, he freezes our hero. And thankfully, it appears Cisco has done a lot of work on the suit!

Photo Credit:
The CW
The Flash
The Flash Season 2 Episode 3: "Family of Rogues"
Barry Allen/Flash
Related Photos:
The Flash Photos, The Flash Season 2 Episode 3 Photos, Barry Allen/Flash Photos
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Caitlin: You and your entire family are criminals. Why should we trust anything you say?
Lisa: [reveals scar] I didn't get this scar being a criminal, I got it being a daughter.

You know what they say, live fast, die young.

Captain Cold