JD tries to convince Shepherd to help broker peace between the humans and the hybrids on Extant. "The Other" is the seventh episode of the show's second season.

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Extant Season 2 Episode 7: "The Other"
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Extant Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Molly: So he destroyed our credibility before we could destroy his.
JD: Your "complicated" friend [Toby] just made us the most wanted people in the world.

Lucy: What's an expiration date?
Charlie: You're not supposed to be snooping...
Lucy: I wasn't snooping. I was looking.
Charlie: John Woods made it very clear that he wanted Humanichs to have the human experience. So he built in a program for them to expire.
Lucy: You mean die.
Charlie: Humans die. It's part of the deal. It sort of defines us. To make Humanichs more human, it just seemed logical to build in a termination point.