Bree winds up in jail when she gets a DUI and is forced to walk home.

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Desperate Housewives
Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 12: "We're Gonna Be All Right"
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Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Tom: I'm serious, Lynette. I don't make the money around here anymore. I don't provide for you and the kids. And I wasn't gonna let them snip out the last thing that makes me a man. (referring to a vasectomy)
Lynette: Staying home and taking care of the kids doesn't make you less of a man. That's crazy.
Tom: You expect me to calm your irrational fears. I expect you to calm mine.
Lynette: You're you saying you're unhappy?
Tom: A little bit, yeah.
Lynette: Well, what we gonna do about that?
Tom: I don't know.
Lynette: Well, can't we just---?
Tom: No, Lynette. I don't know.

Detective Barton: Bree. I have to say, I was very pleased to get your call. I mean. I'm surprisd you want to have anything to do with me, given our recent history.
Bree:Oh you mean, you having suspected me of murdering my husband? Detective, that is all water under the bridge now.