Cable considers breaking the law to protect a friend on Bull. "Keep Your Friends Close" is the 14th episode of the show's second season.

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Bull Season 2 Episode 14: "Keep Your Friends Close"
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Bull Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Remember, this was an act perpetrated by people whose business it is to find you and follow you and read whatever digital breadcrumbs you choose to leave for them. So we are not going to leave any. We are writing on pads. Exchanging ideas via interoffice memos and talking to each other. Remember, we have no idea if this fellow is working alone or as part of a group and until we are sure there is no one else out there continuing his dirty work, everything is old school.


Bull: What is it, exactly, that he pulled off?
Flanagan: What do you mean. I think that's pretty clear. He hacked into our air traffic control system and nearly brought down two jetliners.
Bull: Yeah, I know. I've been thinking about that. I've read all of the interviews with the air traffic controllers and it sounded like he had everything right where he wanted it. Those two planes were seconds from colliding and then…
Benny: They didn't.
Flanagan: What's your point?
Bull: It's always helpful to have motive and it's hard to find motive in an act that seems like it could have happened but then just didn't.