Upon awaking from his coma, Brainwave suffers from amnesia on Stargirl Season 1 Episode 10.

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The CW
Stargirl Season 1 Episode 10: "Brainwave Jr."
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Stargirl Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Rick: Wait to go, Court. You’ve just given away our identities to the enemy.
Courtney: Henry’s not the enemy.
Yolanda: Yes, he is.
Henry: Look, if it helps, she didn’t tell me anything. I read her mind.
Courtney: Which he’s not going to do anymore.
Beth: That’s only polite.

Henry: Dad, listen to me. I know what these powers did to you: How they warped what you believe in. But people aren’t monsters. I don’t want to fight you. I love you.
Brainwave: And I love you. Let me train you. The power, Henry, you have no idea.
Henry: No, you’re better than this. Mom knew you could be good. She believed in you. I know you loved her, and I know Jordan killed her because she saw the good in you too.
Brainwave: Junior, Jordan didn’t kill your mother. I did.
Henry: You?
Brainwave: I had to make a choice. Don’t make me choose again son. Stand by my side or not at all.
Henry: I will never stand by your side.
Brainwave: Good-bye son.