On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

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Courtesy of Hallmark
The Way Home
Al Mukadam
The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2: "Scar Tissue"
Brady Dhuwan
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The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Kat: I went to the cemetery. You officially declared Jacob dead.
Del: It was time. That's why I wrote you the letter. I had gotten his death certificate, and I thought you should know.
Kat: So that's the letter that you say you didn't send.
Del: I didn't! I knew how you would react.
Kat: Because a Landry never gives up hope.
Del: She does if she's the only one left waiting.

Del: I lost my whole world in three months.
Alice: Your whole world except for mom.
Del: I realize you deserve to know what happened, but once you do, we have to be done with it. That is the only way this is gonna work.