Betty is sporting a new type of wardrobe: Jughead's infamous "S" shirt.

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The CW
The CW
Lili Reinhart
Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7: "Chapter Twenty: Tales From the Darkside"
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Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Betty: Veronica, I have a theory...about Sheriff Keller.
Veronica: Oh, me too. It’s obvious.
[Both speak at the same time]
Betty: He’s The Black Hood.
Veronica: He’s having an affair.
[Veronica looks at Betty confused]
Veronica: What?! Is that a joke?
Betty: I wish it were.
Veronica: Whatever crazy web you’re spinning, B. Let me break it down for you. Sheriff Keller’s wife is away, he’s failing at his job. He’s looking for comfort, sneaking around. All signs point to cheating.
Betty: Well, I don’t know. Maybe he’s having an affair and he’s The Black Hood?

Jughead: What the hell game where you playing, Penny?! You lied to me. My dad’s fine.
Penny: I incentivized you.
Jughead: No, you said this was going to be a one and done.
Penny: It’s not like you have a choice.
[She shows him the blackmail footage]
Jughead: What is it?
Penny: It’s insurance you do what I say. And if you cause a stink, or try to back out, or raise your voice to me ever again, I will make sure that video goes straight to the Sheriff’s office. God, I imagine what that’ll do to your dad’s heart. Break it, right?
Jughead: Why...why me?
Penny: FP made me a promise that he didn’t keep. And as far as I’m concerned, his debt is yours. And I’m just getting started with you.