Boden looks through documents on Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 10.

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Chicago Fire
Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 10: "One Crazy Shift"
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Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 10 Quotes

Mouch: I finally got it. Pipes and Drums.
Herrmann: Ah.
Ritter: What’s Pipes and Drums?
Mouch: What’s Pipes and Drums?
Herrmann: It’s the band that plays the funeral marches.
Ritter: Oh right.
Mouch: That’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’re talking parades, baptism, weddings, and the mother of mothers, the Chicagoland Celtic Classic. You see entering the brotherhood is like being appointed to the Supreme Court: It’s a lifelong tenure. So a spot only opens up when someone dies. RIP Bill Maloney Sr.

Ritter: She’s covering this shift while Brett looks for a new partner.
Gallo: Just one shift? Phew.
Ritter: Wow.
Gallo: I like Violet, I do, but the way things ended between us was awkward, and I get weird when I’m around her.
Ritter: Haven’t noticed that.
Gallo: It’s my house. I shouldn’t be the one getting flustered. She should be the one flustering.