A pretty ring for a pretty Parkman

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Heroes Season 1 Episode 16: "Unexpected"
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Heroes Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Claude Rains: Charles Darwin bred pigeons when he was working out his theory of evolution-married up various permutations to get maximum potential.
Peter Petrelli: What do you mean by that, 'maximum potential'?
Claude Rains: I think he meant you, friend.

Peter Petrelli: [Looking at painting of Simone and Isaac together] This is why you sent them after me, jealousy? With me out of the way you'd have Simone all to yourself.
Isaac Mendez: You stole her away from me! But I did it to save New York, to stop the bomb.
[He aims his gun at Peter]
Isaac Mendez: I can do it right now. Just one bullet and I can be a hero.
Peter Petrelli: [Turning invisible] You're not a hero, Isaac. You're a junkie. You couldn't even save yourself! That's why she left you Isaac. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!