Kevin runs into an important figure from his past after an AA meeting.

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This Is Us
This Is Us Season 3 Episode 16: "Don't Take My Sunshine Away"
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This Is Us Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

When I look at Jack, I am scared as hell of his tubes and his tape too. But then I look at his eyes and I see that his left is a tiny smidge bigger than his right, like yours. And I see a tiny crease above his chin like mine. I see us.


I called you four times Beth. What did you turn your phone off so you didn't have to deal with me, while you're busy standing me up? If you had told me something was this important to you, heaven and earth couldn't have stopped me from being there, but maybe that's the difference between us, I don't know. I hope it was worth it, okay? I hope your off having fun, talking about how to teach bored housewives how to twirl. Grow the hell up, Beth.
