Laurel Lance taking Black Canary au natural this season is spectacular. The uber blonde, wigged hair was very cartoonish, and using her natural hair gives her a much grittier feel. She seems stronger and tougher. It will be interesting to see if her skills live up to her look.

Photo Credit:
The CW
Arrow Season 4 Episode 2: "The Candidate"
Dinah "Laurel" Lance/Black Canary
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Arrow Photos, Arrow Season 4 Episode 2 Photos, Dinah "Laurel" Lance/Black Canary Photos
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Arrow Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

What this city needs is somebody who can stand out in the light of day, not lurk around in the shadows. You said you were gonna be different this time, huh? How?


Oliver: He left behind evidence.
Diggle: Fingerprints.
Laurel: How'd you get the owner to part with his windshield?
Oliver: I bought his truck. It's one of the benefits of your girlfriend inheriting a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. We have money now.