Captain Lance limps onto the scene. Seriously, this photo makes him look like he's already been in a few altercations before he decided to brandish his weapon. He looks downright wimpy. Does anybody else see that looking at this photo? Maybe it's just the way he's standing.

Photo Credit:
The CW
Arrow Season 4 Episode 1: "Green Arrow"
Quentin Lance
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Arrow Photos, Arrow Season 4 Episode 1 Photos, Quentin Lance Photos
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Arrow Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Oliver: Felicity, wanna play a game?
Felicity: What game are we playing?
Oliver: We're playing the "reason you know so much about these ghosts is beause you've been helping the team behind my back" game.

Laurel: We need the Arrow.
Oliver: The Arrow's dead.
Laurel: We're hoping that's not the case. We're hoping that you can't change who you are in your bones.