Armed with the data stolen from Arda, Weir is in go-mode to unveil the truth behind Valence's shocking death and enlists Hailey’s help to exploit a member of Crowley’s network. Meanwhile, US Treasury investigator Edward Homm may finally be ready to cooperate and help find Crowley. Liv, Weir's ex-wife, is dragged back into his world of secrets, and we see a new side of The Intern, the only member of Weir's original team spared in the explosion.

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Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole Season 1 Episode 4: "The Person In Your Ear"
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Rabbit Hole Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Billionaires bankroll vaccines to insert nanodevices into every American, which the NSA, using the 5G spectrum, can use to control us. If you are one of the millions of Americans who believe this to be true, then you are a victim of a massive disinformation operation intended to distract you from the real truth, the real conspiracy. The real truth is that a cabal of the rich and powerful are working behind the scenes to consolidate their control over every aspect of American society. You buy what they want you to buy. You click what they want you to click on. You stare at your screens, oblivious to the fact that their hand is in your pocket. Wake up, sheeple!


John: You gotta connect the digital antenna. It's right there.
Hailey: How many of these do you have?
John: Antennas? Just the one.
Hailey: No, I mean creepy secret hideouts.
John: I don't know. A lot. I keep searching these government auction sites. I can't help myself.