Rumple's looking toward Belle for the answers. It's probably best to have her try to convince Emma to help rather than Rumple doing it himself. There's less bad blood between the ladies.

Photo Credit:
Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16: "Mother's Little Helper"
Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Belle French, Emma Swan, Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard
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Once Upon a Time Photos, Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16 Photos, Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold Photos, Belle French Photos, Emma Swan Photos, Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard Photos
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16 Quotes

Rumple: If you want answers, I suggest you start by asking nicely.
Emma: I'm done with nice. Your son has a death wish. Which, if he messes with me one more time, I'm happy to fulfill.
Snow: And I'm happy to help. We've been looking for some mother-daughter bonding.

Regina: I've cleaned up almost all my evil half's messes. Town line protection spell? Check. I freed that dragon from the mirror world. Check. Got Dr. Dolittle out of that cage.
Henry: [looks confused]
Regina: Don't ask.
Henry: [nods]
Regina: I undid everything Except for the big one.