A flashback picture of Bart holding his baby sister Lisa.

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The Simpsons
The Simpsons Season 4 Episode 10: "Lisa's First Word"
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The Simpsons Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Homer: Dad, I have a problem.
Grampa: Why did you come to me? I don't know nothin'. I used to get by on my looks. Now they're gone... withered away like an old piece of fruit. (Sobs)
Homer: Are you done?
Grampa: No, not yet! I was voted the handsomest boy in Albany, New York!
Homer: Dad, I don't need advice! I need 15,000 dollars to buy a home!
Grampa: Oh, well. All I own is this house, that I built with my own two hands!
Homer: You didn't build this house! You won it on a crooked 50's game show!
Grampa: I ratted on everybody and got off scott free!

Homer: Can you say Daddy?
Baby Lisa: Homer.
Homer: No sweetie, Daddy.
Baby Lisa: Homer.
Homer: D'oh!