Barney Stinson in "Robots vs. Wrestlers," from the fifth season of How I Met Your Mother. He is hilarious, every week.

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How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 22: "Robots vs. Wrestlers"
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How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 22 Quotes

Barney: Hey, Marisa Heller! Barney Stinson. Do you remember me? We met at a convention for bird owners.
Marisa: That's not possible.
Barney: Wicker lovers.
Marisa: No.
Barney: Stinson out!

Barney: I've got five tickets to Robots vs. Wrestlers!
Ted: That is awesome!
Barney: You've heard of Robots vs. Wrestlers?
Marshall: Not at all!
Ted: But we're assuming it's some sort of sporting event putting robots ... against wrestlers!
Barney: That's exactly what it is!