The former dancer has gone back to her passion after many years away. Tandy looks like a natural in her dance class.

Photo Credit:
Cloak and Dagger
Olivia Holt
Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 2: "White Lines"
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Cloak and Dagger Photos, Freeform Photos, Olivia Holt Photos, Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 2 Photos
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Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Tyrone: Are you ready?
Evita: For what?
[Tyrone teleports behind her]
Evita: Did I just ... did you just??
Tyrone: That’s what I can do.
Evita: How did you? How long have you been able to do that?
Tyrone: It all started around 6 or 7, but I got better at controlling it around when the city went crazy.
Evita: So, like eight months ago?
[Evita hits Tyrone]
Evita: You serious! You telling me you could just do that this entire time and you didn’t think to come and tell me you were safe?
Tyrone: Evita...
Evita: Tyrone, no! No...
[Evita walks away]

Brigid 2: Pathetic. Look at yourself. Look at yourself! Just absolutely ... pathetic.
Brigid 1: Who are you?
Brigid 2: I always knew that you were weak. Just a scared girl pretending to be brave; pretending to be the police. Well, you’ve had your chance. It’s my turn now.