Atwater took on the blue wall after coming clean that Doyle was an aggressor and standing up for his people.

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Chicago PD
Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 1: "Fighting Ghosts"
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Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 1 Quotes

Voight: Atwater did what he thought was right.
Kenny: No. He crossed the line. Blue wall is there to keep us together. It keeps us safe. It's a bible, our Ten Commandments. You of all people know that, Hank. If someone chooses to violate that code, he's gotta pay the price. Way it's always been. Way it always will be.

Woman: So, I've been reviewing evidence in the Doyle homicide case and I just wanted to touch base with you one more time.
Atwater: I'm not sure what you're asking.
Woman: I'm asking if there's anything you would like to add or modify.
Atwater: No. I stand by my original statement.