Astrid, using her newfound sense of super smell, figuring out the monster's biggest fear.

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Astrid & Lilly Save the World
Astrid & Lilly Save the World Season 1 Episode 3: "Amygdala"
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Astrid & Lilly Save the World Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Brutus: Timiring is only vulnerable when confronted with its own worst fear, otherwise it's pretty much unkillable.
Astrid: And that fear would be what?
Brutus: Huh? Um... it's not specified, unfortunately.

Lilly: Why are you so invested in helping us close the portal?
Brutus: Fair enough. TLDR: I come from a long line of interdimensional monster-hunter mentors as part of an organization called the portal protectorate. Agents are trained from hatchlings to monitor the border between worlds and to step in if there's a breach. It's all very official. We even have badges!

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