Barry's racing against time to find a way to save Iris. But he also needs to find a way to bring Caitlin back. Oh, and he must figure out Savitar's identity. A speedster's work is never done.

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The CW
The Flash
The Flash Season 3 Episode 20: "I Know Who You Are"
Barry Allen/Flash, Detective Joe West
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The Flash Photos, The Flash Season 3 Episode 20 Photos, Barry Allen/Flash Photos, Detective Joe West Photos
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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The Flash Season 3 Episode 20 Quotes

Tracy: What are you doing?
Cisco: You mean save you from a burning, fiery death?

Julian: Sorry, why are we not looking for Caitlin again?
H.R.: Easy, Romeo and Juliet. None of us have forgotten about Caitlin.