Stabler has another confrontation with the mob he's trying to break up on Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 1 Episode 3.

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Law & Order: Organized Crime
Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 1 Episode 3: "Say Hello to My Little Friend"
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Kathleen: You need help. Get on medication.
Stabler: I'm not taking any drugs.
Kathleen: Why? Cause you're not bipolar like me and Grandma?
Stabler: No. Cause in my job, if they think you need meds, they take your badge.
Kathleen: I'm sure it's not like that anymore.

Eli: It was just a fight over a parking space.
Kathleen: Are we supposed to believe that?
Eli: It doesn't matter what you believe. I'm not leaving Dad when he needs me.