Amanda and Betty sample some makeup to help blow $800 as part of their plan to blow $10,000 for their article for

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Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 10: "Bad Amanda"
Betty Suarez, Amanda Tanen
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Ugly Betty Photos, Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 10 Photos, Betty Suarez Photos, Amanda Tanen Photos
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Ugly Betty Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Betty: I warned you that that place was too expensive didn't I? you just said you had to eat ramen
Christina: Which would have worked if Amanda wasn't eating all my ramen... and she denies it! She just says there's an old crazy man who lives inside my walls and comes out at night to eat my food. She calls him "Bad Ronald."

Betty: I can barely pay my rent, oh, which is due tomorrow. I almost forgot.
Hilda: Is juice moocher pitching in?
Betty: Well I've been dropping hints all week
Hilda: Yeah, have you tried, "Where's my rent, bitch?"
Betty: No