We're guessing Killian won't be able to find his way out of this new world on his own. But can Jasmine come to his aid? Better question: why is she there in the first place?

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Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 15: "A Wondrous Place"
Killian Jones/Captain Hook
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Once Upon a Time Photos, Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 15 Photos, Killian Jones/Captain Hook Photos
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Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 15 Quotes

Come on, princess. How many times are you almost going to kiss me?


Killian: Emma's in danger. She thinks that I've abandoned her. I have to get back and tell her the truth.
Liam: Did you not hear the captain? We have no kraken's blood.
Killian: Well you know who does? A kraken [picks up spear]
Captain Nemo: You can't be serious. I've spent a lifetime running away from those beasts.
Killian: Then they won't know to expect us. Gentlemen, let's go hunting.