In "All That Glitters..." Charlotte and Trey separate after their home is featured in Home & Garden.

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Sex and the City
Sex and the City Season 4 Episode 14: "All That Glitters..."
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Sex and the City Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Charlotte: I can't believe you took Ecstasy from a stranger!
Samantha: It wasn't a stranger, it was a friend of my friend Bobby's friend Bobby!
Miranda: Well, then you know it's safe.

Charlotte: I feel like we don't belong here!
Carrie: That's because we're wearing shirts!
Miranda: Seriously, why don't straight men have bodies like this?
Carrie: Because gay men have the possibility of sex at the gym! If straight men had that they'd be working out all the time too!
Samantha: I've had sex at the gym!
Carrie: See, Samantha's doing her part to motivate the masses!