Katy puts all of her energy into avoiding her personal life on Katy Keene. "Chapter Four: Here Comes the Sun" is the fourth episode of the show's first season.

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The CW
Katy Keene
Katy Keene Season 1 Episode 4: "Chapter Four: Here Comes the Sun"
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Katy Keene Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Katy: Thought I heard the rumblings of a friendtervention. You guys, I appreciate it, but I'm fine. Truly.
Pepper: Honey, you're wearing ballet flats, you're clearly not fine.
Jorge: You've barely slept since K.O. moved out.
Katy: I've always been a night owl.
Josie: Yeah, but you're usually up making clothes.
Katy: I just, I haven't felt inspired.
Pepper: We know the perfect cure to help you get over K.O. Girls night out, some dancing, some drinks.

Jorge: Uh-huh.
Katy: They are beautiful. Thank you. I just don't feel up for it.
Jorge: Katy girl, you gotta start dealing.
Katy: I am -- by throwing myself into work and other than you three, it's the only thing keeping me from a complete meltdown. I'm gonna be late. Thank you.