Alice takes an important phone call as she attempts to get the showcase back on with the help of Sumi.

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Good Trouble
Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 18: "Blindside"
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Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 18 Quotes

Nice try. Asian Guilt doesn't work in this country.

Margaret Cho

Gina: I wanted to apologize for the way Claire's been acting.
Mariana: Look, I don't expect to be forgiven overnight or to be partner again, although that would be great. What I really want is to make amends. I miss you guys. You're my friends.
Gina: I think it's harder for Claire because of the whole Raj thing.
Mariana: But Raj set this whole thing up. He wanted me to work here.
Gina: I know, but I'm pretty sure that Claire thinks you cheated on Raj with Evan and forgiving you would somehow mean betraying Raj.