On The Orville Season 2 Episode 2, Malloy (Scott Grimes) and LaMarr (J. Lee) head to the mess hall for some relaxation and nourishment

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The Orville
The Orville Season 2 Episode 2: "Primal Urges"
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The Orville Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Dr Finn: Do either of you understand why you're here?
Bortus: Because the Captain has ordered it.
Dr. Finn: Technically, yes. But do you know why the Captain has ordered you to attend couple's counseling?
Klyden: So I do not stab Bortus again.
Dr. Finn: That is one of our goals, yes.

Kitan: It looks so sad and lonely.
Isaac: The penchant for biological lifeforms to anthropomorphize inanimate objects is irrational. I am quite certain the planet is unaware of its solitary status.