Preacher goes on an adventurous date with Kaia and they continue to grow closer with each other and solidify their relationship.

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Virgin River
Virgin River Season 5 Episode 8: "Full Moon"
John "Preacher" Middleton
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Virgin River Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

Cameron: I thought that I wanted to be with her, but it had nothing to do with Mel. Her and I never had that kind of connection.
Muriel: So what are you looking for these days? I mean, real connections are hard to come by...
Cameron: Yes, they are, and they can catch you off guard.
Muriel: They can knock you off your feet.
Cameron: Just when you least expect it.

Brady: Why didn't you tell me about it, huh?
Mike: I knew if I told you about it, you'd probably overreact, which you did. If you want a shot at winning back Brie, we gotta take Melissa down.