The Seelie Queen has her sights set on a new tomorrow, but she has a few questions for some familiar Downworlders on Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 18.

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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 18: "Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen"
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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 18 Quotes

Alec: Magnus, I love you.
Magnus: I love you too. But as a leader, there are difficult decisions I need to make to ensure the survival of my people. The only thing holding me back from doing you.
Alec: No, no.
Magnus: I can't have both.
Alec: Yes, you can. We can. Magnus...we can figure this out.
Magnus: You once asked me what I'm afraid's this.
[He walks away from Alec]

Clary: What if the mirror I destroyed isn't the Mortal Mirror?
Jace: Why would your mom give it to the warlocks to protect?
Clary: Maybe she thought it was. We all did. Maybe whoever made it wanted it that way?
Isabelle: To distract people from finding the real one...
Jace: Well, the legend says the Mirror is not meant to be easily found. The angels hold the key.
[Clary remembers her vision]
Clary: The water. It's a reflection.
Jace: What water? What are you talking about?
Clary: I didn't destroy the Mirror. These visions I've been having...they're a message from the angels. The Mirror is Lake Lin.