Alex (Marcel Ruiz) shows Penelope (Justina Machado) and Lydia (Rita Moreno) a pair of shorts he made in his first fashion design class.

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One Day At A Time
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One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 5: "Perfect"
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One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Alex: I just need five hundred dollars, okay?!
Penelope: Five hundred dollars?! Why?!
Alex: For once, can't you just give me five hundred dollars without asking any questions?!

Alex: 'Sup fam, I was just wondering how the planning is coming for my quince?
Penelope: What the hell are you talking about?
Alex: Oh well, I thought that since Elena had a quince, obviously I would also be getting a party to celebrate my coming of age. This being a house of gender equality and all.