A boy disappears after meeting up with a gamer he met online on Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 11.

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Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 11: "Burning With Rage Forever"
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Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 11 Quotes

Tino's Dad: He's not with Mami.
Carlos: Maybe he went out.
Tino's Dad: Where would he go? He's eight.

Benson: So, Noah, you want to tell me what was going on when I picked you up from Annie and Hudson's?
Noah: I don't want to talk about it.
Benson: What's that red mark on your neck?
Noah: If I tell you, will you stop asking?
Benson: Of course. Honey, you can tell me anything.
Noah: Hudson's a jerk, okay? He put his dog collar on me and he made me get in the dog cage and eat his food. And I don't want to talk about it anymore.