The Codys prepare for a jewel robbery on Animal Kingdom. "Diamonds Are Forever" is the sixth episode of the show's sixth season.

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Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 6: "Diamonds Are Forever"
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Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

Pope: What you were talking about earlier, you really think we could be legit?
J: Eventually.
Pope: You mean like suits and shit?
J: No, no, it'd still be what we do, just in a different way.
Pope: But why?
J: Because I think we're going to have to.
Pope: Organisms.
J: Huh?
Pope: Organisms who don't adapt to their environment, don't survive. Just look at the Amazon.

You don't want to be a dad, Billie. Deran is better off without you, but you don't get to say no to me.
