Cooper (Paul Adelstein) decides he's cool with being friends with benefits with Violet (Amy Brenneman), who he really cares for. Then he decides that's not cool and it's awkward.

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Private Practice
Private Practice Season 1 Episode 8: "In Which Sam Gets Taken For a Ride"
Cooper Freedman
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Private Practice Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Pete: I think we should stop kissing.
Addison: Ohh.
Pete: I mean, come on, what are we, 12?
Addison: No. We... definitely, you're not.
Pete' [leans in for another kiss, but Addison stops him]
Addison: Which is why I do not want to be just another notch in your... acupuncture table.

Addison: We... were just talking about a case...
Pete: I was... She needed a consult on the...
Dell: [points to his head] Locked. In the, uh, Dell vault. All right? Patients are here.
Addison: We're in the Dell vault.
Pete: Locked in the Dell vault.