Who is this man? Gibbs comes across a dead body floating in the sea on NCIS Season 12 Episode 5.

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NCIS Season 12 Episode 5: "The San Dominick"
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NCIS Photos, NCIS Season 12 Episode 5 Photos
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NCIS Season 12 Episode 5 Quotes

Abby: Gosh I just got chills.
McGee: Why is that?
Abby: You're just changing, right in front of our eyes. Your gruff manner, your clipped replies. You're no longer McGee. You're McGibbs.
McGee: What? That's....wait, what?
Bishop: It's true. Ever since Tony put you in charge, you're like...channeling him.
McGee: Stop it.
Abby: You got it. Boss.

McGee: Rule number 70 - keep digging till you hit bottom.
Abby: McGee! There is no rule 70.
McGee: Well, I--
Abby: You just made up a rule. This McGibbs thing has really gone to your head. I don't even recognize you right now.