Nora and Ephraim clear out a nearby lab in order to work on their biological strigoi-killer. Will they find a way to infect the infected, bringing an end to the strain once and for all?

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The Strain
The Strain Season 2 Episode 1: "BK, NY"
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The Strain Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Eph: So you're still on board? You're still ready to follow him down every dark tunnel in the city?
Vasiliy: Yeah, but I've got my own plan.
Eph: Which is?
Vasiliy: I'm gonna secure my place, then next door, then the block and then the next block.
Eph: The ground game isn't for me.
Vasiliy: So what are you gonna do?
Eph: Well seeing as how as a vampire hunter I'm total shit, I'm gonna go back to being a doctor.

There once was a great nobleman named Jusef Sardu. Since childhood he suffered from gigantism. His body was aging, his bones were bent and riddled with ache, so he was forced to walk with a cane.

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