A bigger fight than expected is brought back to the station on Deputy. "Paperwork" is the 11th episode of the show's first season.

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Deputy Season 1 Episode 11: "Paperwork"
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Deputy Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Riley: There's no more space for men like you. No untamed land. Not in this city. Not even in this county. And certainly not in this election.
Bill: I guess you've never been to Lancaster.
Riley: The world has moved on. People don't want a gunslinger in this office. They want an advocate. A winner. And you know what? They deserve one. It is MY time.

Let me tell you something, son. You're gonna piss folks off no matter what. That's just life. It might as well be for something worth a damn. They see the good that you do. Trust me.
