This is a photo collage from 9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 14, which will have Ravi returning and Chimney back at the fire academy.

Rating: 3.8 / 5.0 (9 Votes)
Photo Credit:
9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 14: "Performance Anxiety "
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9-1-1 Photos, 9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 14 Photos
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9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 14 Quotes

Aren't you glad you're not a recruit anymore?

Ravi [to Chimney]

Pepa: Edmundo, it breaks my heart to see you alone. It's been too long. You need to do something, or you're going to be alone forever. Vanessa is very nice. I know you'll get along.
Eddie: Tia, I can't marry someone just cause you say so.