Toby Cavanaugh is Jenna's stepbrother. He was blackmailed by Allison, and took the blame for blinding his stepsister. He has also been threatened by Jenna, and forced to have sexual relations with her. He was a suspect in Allison's murder, but his name is now clear.

Toby Cavanaugh Quotes

You know I could come with you, and I could rub your shoulders between rounds and wrap your knuckles and hold your spit bucket.


I may have broken my left arm, but my right arm is fine.

Toby (to Wren)
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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
